26 April 2008

How excellent is this?

The problem with my old blog was that I should have guarded my anonymity far more jealously. I shouldn't have told everyone I had ever met where to find it, then crapped on quite so pathetically and fulsomely about my general, you know, emotions. Who wants to hear deeply personal stuff about biological clocks, right, from someone you must then encounter at work, or at a mutual friend's for dinner? I overshared. Suddenly everyone knew a damn sight more about my life than I did about theirs. It got awkward, with some people. Or maybe it was just me that didn't feel comfortable.

But I like it here already. I feel very safe. Mostly because I know absolutely no one is reading this at all.

But less of all this later.

In art news, I though y'all might like to see the portrait I think should win the BP Portrait Award finalists. That's Amanda Smith at Vincent Avenue by Simon Davis to below. I know nothing of Simon Davis except he's 39 and from Birmingham and he's a comic book artist.

Amanda Smith is his friend. Look at her hands. Aren't they beautiful?

You can see the other finalists here and here.

1 comment:

BwcaBrownie said...

I trashed a blog too.
Found by kin, and not liked.

Yes that is a great portrait - hands are the hardest to pull off, and he has triumphed there.

A comment on a recent post of yours by anodyne Ann O'Dyne sounds to me like she was trying to make you feel better about the baby-thing and she meant no offence at all.

My heart breaks for every childless woman whenever I see ugly news about babies on doorsteps, or defactos bashing infants not their own.
Thomas Hobbes said 'life is short cruel and brutish",
J.M.Fraser was always misunderstood when he was quoting 'life isn't meant to be easy, but if we try we can find some beauty."