12 May 2008

Only connect!

This blog has now had four titles — Only connect, The prose and the passion, The beast and the monk, and The whole of her sermon. All come from the same short passage you'll find at the bottom of this page. I suppose it's a bit wanky, but it meant a lot to me for a long time, and besides I don't care about being a bit wanky, I was at a dinner party recently and was chatting with the host about David Marr's piece about Patrick White in The Monthly, and PW in general, and someone else suggested that talking about PW was a bit wanky (so you can imagine what this person might think of abbreviating Patrick White to PW as a sign of familiarity because how wanky is that??), and I just think that's complete bullshit. I hate the way you can't talk about anything more highbrow than Andrew Denton in this country without people thinking you're a total tosser.

Anyway, I've settled on The whole of her sermon now because it goes with the actual address, and seems quite apropos for a blog, which is a kind of a sermon in a really superficial, not-really-at-all way, and especially one written by a her.

Meanwhile, to add to the wankery I thought I might call my partner Wilcox, just like Miss Schlegel's boyfriend.

Me (talking about the titles of this blog): Do you know where they all come from?
Wilcox: I dunno. They come from books and shit.

Just then he was on the phone making an appointment with his doctor, who is also my doctor, so I whisper, "I'll make an appointment after you", but he just hangs up, then says to me, "Sorry, but I just thought it would confuse them. One phone call, one appointment. That's how it works."


Smaggle said...

Ha ha your partner sounds like a lot like my brother. Yesterday he said he couldn't weed the garden because he has quit smoking. Riiiight....

lucy tartan said...

The more wankery you add to this blog the more I shall like it, I suspect. I am egging you on.

You wrote on my blog "are you like me" (wrt something I've forgotten what) - yes, I am like you in a small number of ways. Looking up Bill stuff on Wikipedia for instance. Without a proper tv I have to do this now to keep up with what's going on.

I'm assuming 'Miss Schlegel' isn't your real name.