12 June 2008

Six word memoir

Oh! I forgot! I got tagged for a six-word memoir.


How about... no, I just deleted it. I didn't like it. Okay, now I have three alternatives:

  1. Like you, but with more freckles.
  2. Not totally un-super-dooper, if you squint.
  3. Lawks-a-mussy, I forgotted to grow up!
Of course these only work if you count un-super-dooper and lawks-a-mussy as one word, which I wouldn't frankly. Anyway, you can choose the one you most relate to, and I'll be that person for you.

If I could paraphrase and rip one off from someone who said something like this in a review of a Quentin Taratino film once, I'd say:

An embarrassment of riches, without riches.

1 comment:

terrence hunt said...

I think you're a great 6-worder. And I think you're pretty damn good when you use even more... of those... word... things.